The Difference That Is Making A Difference...
ThetaHealing Practitioner Practice Group Training Live Online
ThetaHealing Practice Group
Available to practitioners who have certified Dig Deeper ThetaHealing Certification Course or above.
Each session is based on a "Zone of Focus" topic, including discussions, divinely guided ThetaHealing exercises, meditations, downloads, muscle tests and digging to help assist ThetaHealers in progressing in their skills.
NOTE: These are live and interactive events online - no recordings will be available, and no recording is permitted.
Upcoming Events
Thursday 23 May
Zone of Focus 1: Miracles
9:30am - 12:30pm AEST Brisbane, Australia time zone -
Please check time converter for your location
Tuesday 11 June
Zone of Focus 2: Addressing: Common Mistakes Of A Healer
9:30am - 12:30pm AEST Brisbane, Australia time zone -
Please check time converter for your location
Tuesday 23 July
Zone of Focus 3: Trusting Your Intuition
9:30am - 12:30pm AEST Brisbane, Australia time zone -
Please check time converter for your location
Your Investment:
Each event is AU$90 each (Please specify which event you are registering for with payment).
Package for all 3 is AU$250
Zoom link will be sent on receipt of payment.
Please note: Practice Groups sessions are non-refundable
TBA : by Appointment via Zoom
Disease & Disorder FREE Healing Clinics
Have you been suffering from a Disease or Disorder and are open and ready to heal NOW?
REGISTER Your place for a Consultation with one of our ThetaHealing Student Practitioners at our FREE HEALING CLINIC
TBA : 12:30pm - 1:30pm:
FREE Group Healing & Introductory to ThetaHealing Lunch Break Session
Registration Required
Next date TBA : 9:30am - 5:30pm: Caboolture
Harmony for Hearts: For Certified ThetaHealing Practitioners: Caboolture
A Day of Volunteering your skills with the Homeless and those with extreme hardships
Organized day in conjunction with Caboolture Community Action Group